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Reference alert 1900-2007
Nearly 1700 references with author, title, source

Abstract -- This article provides nearly 1700 references to astrology obtained in December 2007 by entering the keyword astrology or astrolog* into ten online academic databases selected for relevant content and covering journals, books and theses in the fields of arts, biology, business, history, humanities, medicine, psychology, science, and social sciences. The databases are Biological Abstracts, British Theses, Current Contents, ERIC, Medline, Ovid Journals, Proquest Dissertations, PsycINFO, Sociological Abstracts, and Web of Science. Each reference (author, title, source) has been condensed to fit one line without overflowing the screen. References are listed by year, then alphabetically by author. About 94% of references are from 1970 onwards. Purely empirical studies are about 10% of the total. Abstracts are not included but may be obtained from the relevant online database.

The 1674 references to astrology listed below were obtained in December 2005, and updated annually (most recently in December 2007), by entering the keyword astrology or astrolog* into ten online academic databases selected for relevant content, see next section. The references are to journals, books and theses in the fields of arts, biology, business, history, humanities, medicine, psychology, science, and social sciences. Retrieved are works that mention the keyword anywhere in the work, so some retrievals may be trivial. Purely empirical studies are about 10% of the total. Not covered are ordinary astrology books (except in a few book reviews) and astrology journals including Correlation because they fail to meet the high standards needed to be abstracted by abstracting services. However the article Journal cumulative contents under Adroit Utilities lists the contents of the astrology research journals Correlation 1981-2007, the now defunct Astro-Psychological Problems 1982-1995, and (briefly) Astrologie in Onderzoek 1977-2003 and Kosmos 1978-1995. The article Research results under Doing Scientific Research gives comprehensive abstracts of 91 articles from these four journals. An increasingly compreensive source of references is Google Scholar described in detail in Links on this website under Overviews & Sources.

Breakdown of references by source
The number of unduplicated references from each database (in order of citation preference, eg if the same reference is given by both p and m then only p is listed) as at December 2007 are:

p PsycINFO from 1867, >1300 serials, >2m abstracts, N=275.
m Medline from 1902, N=231.
s Sociological Abstracts (Social Sciences) from 1955, N=216.
b Biological Abstracts from 1969, >4000 serials, N=12.
e ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) from 1945, N=9.
j Ovid Journals from 1990, N=213.
c Current Contents from 1995, N=209.
d Proquest Dissertations and Theses, >1.6m since 1861, N=194.
t British Theses, 0.5m since 1716, N=29.
w Web of Science from 1980, N=286.

Total 1674, 89 more than the total at December 2006. All except Web of Science usually provide abstracts, which may be obtained by searching the database online at a university. More than 300 duplicates have been omitted after retaining the preferred source. The figure below shows the breakdown by decade.

Breakdown of references by decade Breakdown by
decade of the
listed below.
About 94%
are from 1970

References up to December 2007
References are listed below by year, then alphabetically by author after the source code. Journal titles are followed by volume, issue number (in most cases), pages, and sometimes date of issue. Entries have been automatically condensed by computer to fit one line without overflowing the screen. et al indicates more than one author. \ indicates truncation to fit space.

p Bolton HC. A Relic of Astrology. J Amer Folk-Lore XI 113-125
p Bramwell JM. Historical. Hypnotism Its history practice and theory 2nd ed pp 3-39
p Walsh JJ. Pseudo-science and mental healing \ Psychotherapy: Including the History of \ Appleton & Co pp 38-46
d Wedel TO. The Mediaeval Attitude Toward Astrology, Particularly in England. PhD Connecticut: Yale U 163pp
p Wedel TO. Mediaeval attitude towards astrology. Oxford England Univ Press
d Curtiss JT. The Life and Times of William Lilly: a Study in The Literary Importance O \ PhD Connecticut: Yale U
p Goddard HH. Two souls in one body? xiii 242 pp Oxford England Dodd Mead
p Rey A. Endless change and the philosophy of physics. [In French] \ Oxford: Flammarion (Bibliotheque De Philoso
p Conroy E. The symbolism of light and colour. 66 pp Oxford England McKay
p Hartwell R. The harmonics of marriage. 72 pp Oxford England Christopher
d McLean CV. Babylonian Astrology and Its Relation to the Old Testament. PhD New York: Columbia U 69pp
p Barnes HE. The story of punishment. vii 292 pp Oxford England Stratford
p Luchsinger F. Occultism and science. [NonEnglish]. Psychologische Rundschau 1 349-352
d Zug RS. Astrology and Astrophysics. SM Illinois: U of Chicago 25pp
p Leeper RR. Some reflections on the progress of psychiatry. J Mental Sci 77 683-691
p Swift EJ. The jungle of the mind. ix 340 pp Oxford England Scribners
p Bobertag O. Is astrology reliable? [NonEnglish]. Zeitschrift fur Menschenkunde 8 73-92
t Collins DS. Shakespeare's use of astrological terms, with an introduction on astrology and popular a \ MA London
p Buhrig W. Is graphology valid? [NonEnglish]. Psychologische Rundschau 4 269-271
p Levy-Valensi et al. An archaic delusion -- astrology, magical charm \ Annales Medico-Psychologiques 92 229-232
p Noesselt H. Destiny and pattern development in the visual field of the \ Zeitschrift fur Menschenkunde 10 No 1
p Baumann HH. Series-formation and rhythm in dream motifs. [NonEngli \ Zentralblatt fur Psychotherapie 9 213-228
p Jastrow J. Lo, the pseudologist. An outline of the sciences of unwisdom, from astrology \ Esquire 5 91 117-118
d Halstead FG. The Attitude of Lope de Vega Toward Astrology. PhD U of Virginia
p Parr FW. How's your horoscope? Occupations 16 236-238
p Farnsworth PR. Aesthetic behavior and astrology. Character & Personality 6 335-340
p Kelly EL. Personality as revealed by voice and conversation without face to face a \ Psychological Bull 35 710
p Ter Keurst AJ. Superstitious nature of delinquent and non-delinquent \ J Criminal Law & Criminology 29 226-240
p Farnsworth PR. What about astrology? Music Educators J 26 No 1 43-44
p Hill DS. Psychologic underworlds. Hygeia 17 228-230
p Visser HLA. Mystery in an age of publicity. [NonEnglish]. Mensch en Maatschappij 15 379-392
p Bentley AF. The human skin: philosophy's last line of defense. Philos of Sci 8 1-19
p Bok BJ et al. Scientists look at astrology. Scientific Monthly NY 52 233-244
p Gordon BL. Oculists and occultists; astrology and the eye. Archives of Ophthalmology Chicago 25 36-61
p Jimenez De Asua L. Telepathy in the \ Anales del Instituto de Psicologia Universidad de Buenos Aires 3 249-302
d Parr J. Cosmological Fortune: Astrology in the Elizabethan and Jacobean DR \ PhD Tennessee: Vanderbilt U 511pp
p Steiner LR. Where do people take their troubles? xiii 265 pp Oxford England Houghton Mifflin
p Graubard M. Scientific hypotheses and the cultu \ Approaches to group understanding sixth symposium pp 469-491
e Kiely ER. Surveying Instruments: Their History and Classroom Use. National Council of Teachers of Mathemati \
p Thompson CJS. Magic and healing. 176 pp Oxford England Rider
p Jung CG. Symbolism in mental activity. [NonEnglish]. xii 500 pp Oxford England Rascher Verlag
p Maucorps PH. Psychologie militaire. 127 pp 75006 Paris France Presses Universitaires de France
p Reich H. Man in astrological symbolism. [NonEnglish]. Grenzgebiete Medizin 2 296-300
p Barbault A. From psychic rhythms to cosmic rhythms. [NonEnglish]. Psyche 6 311-317
p Schwabe J. Archetype and zodiac. Outlines of a cosmic symbolism and m \ lvii 633 pp Oxford England Schwabe & Co
t Vieyra MAM. On the criteria for a chronological arrangement of the Babylonian astrological texts. MA London
p Jung CG. Synchronicity as a princip \ Naturerklarung und Psyche /The explanation of nature and psyche pp 1-107
p Van Eekelen WF. An investigation of the attitude of Amsterdam p \ Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Psych 9 236-240
p Calvin AD. The Need for Experimental Evidence in Applied Psychology. Amer Psychologist 10(5) 219
p Gauquelin M. The influence of heavenly bodies. [NonEnglish]. 347 pp Oxford England Editions Du Dauphin
s Norbeck E. Yakudoshi, a Japanese Complex of Supernatural Beliefs Southwestern J Anthropology 11 2 105-120
s McKeown JE. Research Implications of the Platonistic and Aristoteli \ Amer Catholic Sociolog Review 19 1 35-44
p Adorno TW. Superstition at second hand: The social psychology of the newspaper h \ Psyche Heidelberg 12 561-614
s Mayor SH. The Religion of The British People. Hibbert J 59 38-43
d Pingree DE. Materials for the Study of the Transmission of Greek Astrology to India. PhD Mass: Harvard U
s Vidyarthi LP. Thinking About a Sacred City. Eastern Anthropologist 13 4 Jun-Aug 203-215
s Maitre Jacques. Structure and Measurement in the Socio \ Archives de Sociologie des Religions 11 Jan-Jun 53-71
p Cook DR. Problems of guidance in India. J Vocat & Educ Guidance Baroda 8(4) 1-6
s Kang Sie. Mana and Taboo. Chung Chi Hsueh Pao/Chung Chi J 1 2 Jul 158-170
s Lenoir Raymond. Asiatic Mentalities. Revista Mexicana de Sociologia 24 2 May-Aug 521-544
s Chambard Jeanluc. The Pothi of Jaga, OR The Secret Register of a Village Genealogis \ L'Homme 3 1 Jan-Apr 5-85
s Eberhard Wolfram. Auspicious Marriages: a Statistical Study of a Chinese Custom Sociologus 13 1 79-55
s Otto Harthur. Sex and Violence on the American Newsstand. Journalism Quarterly 40 1 19-26 Winter
s Sirol J. Three French Political Prophets, B \ Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de Mexico Oct-Dec 13 981-1009
d Wood CD. Chaucer's Use of Astrology for Poetic Imagery. PhD New Jersey: Princeton U 390pp
m Anonymous. Nicholas Culpeper (1616-1654) -- Physician-Astrologer. J Amer Medical Assoc 187 854-5 Mar 14
p De Cressac Bertrand. Is Metapsychic Fact Scientifically Ve \ Rassegna Italiana di Ricerca Psichica No 2-3 9-35
s Eberhard W. Fatalism in the Life of the Common Man in Non-Communi \ Anthropological Quarterly 39 3 Jul 148-160
d Laird ES. The Exposicion of Astrology. PhD Rutgers State U of New Jersey - New Brunswick 141pp
m Rhyne WP. Spontaneous hemorrhage. J Medical Assoc of Georgia 55 12 505-6 Dec
m Brandenburg D. [German] On ancient islamic medicine and \ Munchener Medizinische Wochenschrift 109 20 1137-43
m Buchheim L. [German] History of prescriptions. Sudhoffs Archiv Vierteljahrsschrift fur Geschichte \ 51 318-325
s Fugier Huguette. Roman Religion and Protest. Archives de Sociologie des Religions 12 24 Jul-Dec 17-33
p Hashimoto Atsuo. Kaiun-Tokyujutsu and Its Modern Interpretation. J Hist Behav Scis 3(3) 236-255
s Hsu Flk. Christianity and the Anthropologist. Internat J Comparative Sociology 8 1 Mar 1-19
m Kibre P. Giovanni Garzoni of Bologna (1419-1505), Professor of Medicine and defender of a \ Isis 58 194 504-14
s No author. Documentary Section. Survey data from 48 polling orgs. Polls 3 1 Aut 12-96
s Saraswati Baidyanath. The Ladakhi Custom of Cremation. Man in India 47 4 Oct-Dec 263-271
m Baldi G et al. [Italian] Cato of Supino. Rivista di Storia della Medicina 12(2) 145-56 Jul-Dec
e Baugh ACC. Chaucer. Goldentree Bibliographies in Language and Literature.
m Bellagarda G. [Italian] Nostradamus in Turin. Minerva Medica 59 31 1824-34 Apr
m Gauquelin M and F. [Italian] Repercussions of labour conditions. Minerva Medica 59 36 2143-4
s Hacker BC. Greek Catapults and Catapult Technology: Science, Technology \ Technology and Culture 9 1 Jan 34-50
s Sechrest Lee et al. Astrologers as Useful Marriage Counselors. Trans-Action 6 1 Nov 34-36
m Terry KD et al. Biologic effects of supernovae. Science 159 813 421-3 Jan 26
s Buck SH. Tibetan-English Dictionary with Supplement. 833p
m Ghalioungui P. Early specialization in ancient Egyptian medicine and its possib \ Medical Hist 13(4) 383-6 Oct
m Kuttner RE et al. Constellations of the zodiac: a cultural Rorsch \ Perceptual & Motor Skills 29(3) 919-21 Dec
m Ongaro G. [Italian] Cardano and Vesalius. Rivista di Storia della Medicina 13(1) 51-61 Jan-Jun
m Puschel E. [German] Horoscope of Dr Rauwolff. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 94 43 2245-7 Oct 24
t Ryan WF. Astronomical and astrological terminology in Old Russian. DPhil Oxford
s Topisch E. Mythical Models in the Theory of Knowledge. Revue de l'Institut de Sociologie (Solvay) 1 7-44
s Aubin F. Central and Northern Asia. L'Annee Sociologique 21 troisieme serie 305-312
p Bazak J. ESP and Judaism. Parapsych Review 1(4) 9-13
m Brozek J. Contributions to the history of psychology. XII. Wayward his \ Psychological Reports 26(2) 563-9 Apr
s Cohen M et al. Linguistics. L'Annee Sociologique 21 troisieme serie 507-547
m Drachmann AG. A new interpretation of the golden horns. A comment on Professor Willy H \ Centaurus 15(2) 124-34
p Goodstein LD et al. Psychology of scientist: XXX. Credibility of psychol \ Psychological Reports 27(3) 835-838
m Grmek MD. [Croatian] Astrol ideas of Federic Grisogono of Zadarl. Lijecnicki Vjesnik 92(6) 679-86
p Harris TG. Religion in the age of Aquarius: A conversation with theologian Harv \ Psych Today 3 11 45-47 62-67
s Marty Martin. The Occult Establishment. Soc Research 37 2 212-230 Summer
s Needleman Jacob. The New Religions. Garden City NY Doubleday CO Inc 245 PP $5 95 1970
m Pasachoff JM et al. Belief in the supernatural among Harvard and West African u \ Nature 227 5261 971-2 Aug 29
p Rudhyar D. The astrology of personality: A re-formulation of astrologi \ xviii 500 pp Oxford England Doubleday
s Shanthamani VS et al. Vocational Interest Pattern of Students Leaving H \ Indian J Soc Work 30 4 Jan 291-302
m Vojta M. [Czech] Reproduction and astrology. Ceskoslovenska Gynekologie 35(1) 38-40 Feb
s Von Kortzfleisch S. Religious Olympism. Soc Research 37 2 Sum 231-236
s Bender DLE. Constructing a Life Philosophy: An Examination of Alternatives. 82p
d Butler FE. Popular Astrology as Religion: a Sociological Analysis. PhD District of Columbia: American U 444pp
s Donlan FJ. The Cosmic Counselors. J Educ 153 4 51-7
d Evers JW. Some Implications of Chaucer's Use of Astrology in the 'Canterbur \ PhD North Carolina: Duke U 344pp
m Hammer J. [German] Kepler's astrology. Sudhoffs Archiv Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 55(2) 113-35
s Hargraves R et al. Greek and Roman Mythology: English, Mythology. 53p
s Hoffman E. If You're an Aries. School Library J 25-28 '
m Moszczynski P. [Polish] Jan Walenty Latosz, astrologer. Wiadomosci Lekarskie 24 10 989-90 15
m Salter CA et al. Supernatural beliefs among graduate students at the University \ Nature 232 5308 278-9 Jul 23
m Schweisheimer W. [German] Nostradamus the prophet and physician. Medizinische Klinik 66 41 1395-7 Oct 8
p Silverman BI. Studies of astrology. J Psych Interdisciplinary and Applied 77(2) 141-149
s Tiryakian EA. Sociology in the Age of Aquarius. Amer Sociolog Assoc
m Ziggelaar A. [French] Pardies the physicist. Acta Historica Scientiarum Naturalium et Medicinalium 26 9-242
s Buettner-Janusch Joh Hegel's Legacy - Animism and Idealism in Contemporary Social \ Southern Sociolog Soc (Sss)
m Maier W. [German] Dates of birth vs dates of death. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 32(1) 40-2 Jan
p Nelsen FC. A review of current issues in pastoral counseling. Counseling and Values 16(3) 214-218
s Schimmel N. Heavenly Compulsion. Amer Libraries 3 3 261-267
m Siekevitz P. Further reflections. Perspectives in Biology & Medicine 15(3) 385-93
s Truzzi Marcello. The Occult Revival as Popular Culture: Some Random Observa \ Sociolog Quarterly 13 1 Win 16-36
m Beck AT et al. Attempted suicide and month of birth. Psychological Reports 33(2) 506 Oct
m Briggs KM. Medieval survivals in 17th century English me \ Canadian Medical Assoc J 109(8) 765-7 passim Oct 20
s Cooper J et al. Do the Seasons Govern Your Career? New Soc 24 548 5 6-8
s Elkind D. Culture, Change, and Their Effects on Children. Soc Casework 54 6 360-366
s Francis RG. Sociology in the Age of Aquarius. Review of Soc Theory 1 2 164-176
m King LS. Metoposcopy and kindred arts. J Amer Medical Assoc 224(1) 42-6 Apr 2
p Marchesan R. Psychological hypnosis or hypnopsyc \ Rivista Internazionale di Psicologia e Ipnosi 14(4) 367-373
s McKechnie GE. Environmental Dispositions: A New Domain for Personality Theory et al 3 2 54-63
p McMahon FB et al. Behind the mask: Our psychological world. x 228 pp Oxford England Prentice-Hall
p McNeil EB. Being human: The psychological experience. viii 371 pp Oxford England Canfield
p Newmeyer JA et al. Astrology and addiction: An empirical probe. Drug Forum 2(3) 271-278
s No author. Using Your Daily Newspaper to Turn On the Resistant Reader. 30p [ ]
p Nordberg RB. The teenager and the new mysticism. xii 126 pp Oxford England Richards Rosen Press
p Pellegrini RJ. The astrological "theory" of personality: A \ J Psych Interdisciplinary and Applied 85(1) 21-28
m Penrose LS. Fingerprints and palmistry. Lancet 1 7814 1239-42 Jun 2
m Potts AM. The Eye of Providence. Documenta Ophthalmologica 34(1) 327-34 Feb 21
p Roll WG. Science looks at the occult. Psychic 4(5) 50-55
m Schoffler HH. [German] Medieval embryol \ Sudhoffs Archiv Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 57(3) 297-14
s Zeilik MII. Astrology in Introductory Astronomy Courses for Nonscience. Amer J Physics 41 8 961-964
s Adorno TW. The Stars Down to Earth: The Los Angeles Times Astrology Column. Telos 19 13-90
s Blumenberg H. On a Lineage of the Idea of Progress. Soc Research 41 1 5-27
d Bowden ME. The Scientific Revolution in Astrology: The English Reformers, 1558 \ PhD Connecticut: Yale U 251pp
t Bretty YM. Astronomical and astrological illustrations in printed books of the later Renaissance \ MPhil London
p Brier B. Parapsychological principles from anthropological studies. Parapsych Review 5(1) 3-8
m Colas AE. Letter: Do molecular biologists come of age in Aries?. Nature 252 5479 178 Nov 8
p Delaney JG et al. Effects of reading an astrological description on res \ Psychological Reports 34 3 Pt 2 1214
s Freiberger R. The New York Times Report on Teenage Reading Tastes and Habits. 15p
d O'Desky L. Chaucer's "Troilus and Criseyde": Astrolo \ PhD Rutgers State U of New Jersey - New Brunswick 159pp
p Silverman BI et al. Astrological indicators of personality. J Psych Interdisciplinary and Applied 87(1) 89-95
p Snyder CR. Why horoscopes are true: The effects of specificity on acceptance o \ J Clinical Psych 30(4) 577-580
s Truzzi M. Nouveau Witches. The Humanist 34 5 13-15
m Weiner L. Letter: On the comet Kohoutek. Amer J Psychiatry 131(3) 331-2 Mar
m Windsor DA. Molecular biologists come of age in Aries. Nature 248 5451 788-9 Apr 26
m Woodruff RA et al. Psychiatric illness and season of birth. Amer J Psychiatry 131(8) 925-6 Aug
s Zeilik MII. Psi Astronomy Unit: Astrology -- The Space Age Science? Amer J Physics 42 7 538-542
m Anonymous. Does the man-in-the-moon affect your practice?. Modern Veterinary Practice 56(3) 179-81 Mar
s Bok BJ. A Critical Look at Astrology. The Humanist 35 5 6-9
m Brandenburg D. [German] Astrology in the 1001 Nights. Medizinische Monatsschrift 29 11 496-502 Nov
m Dost FH. [German] Parapsychology and astrology. Medizinische Welt 26 39 1795-6 Sep 26
d Eckhert ME. Astrology and Humors in the Theory of Man: the Works of Marin Cureau de l \ PhD U of Arizona 404pp
d Freedman GL. The Use of Astrology as a S \ PhD Calif School of Professional Psychology - Berkeley/Alameda 203pp
p Freedman GL. The use of astrology as a supplement to psychodiagnostic testing. Diss Abs Int Secpp 3036-3037
m Habermann G. [German] The voice as a mirror of personality. HNO 23 129-131 April
p Jenkins RR. Comparisons between an ancient instrument and modern instruments for as \ Diss Abs Int Sec pp 5644
s Jerome LE. Astrology: Magic or Science? The Humanist 35 5 10-16
p Kapur RL. Mental health care in rural India: A study of existing patterns a \ British J Psychiatry 127 286-293
s No author. Career Education: Learning with a Purpose. Junior High 7-9. Vol. 4. 168p [ ]
p Pellegrini RJ. Birthdate psychology: A new look at some o \ J Psych Interdisciplinary and Applied 89(2) 261-265
p Plug C. An investigation of superstitious belief and behaviour. J Behavioural Sci 2(4) 169-178
p Ponce C. The game of wizards: Psyche, science and symbol in the occult. 240 pp Oxford England Penguin
p Rosen GM. Effects of source prestige on subjects' acceptance of the \ J Consulting and Clinical Psych 43(1) 95
p Standen A. Is there an astrological effect on personalit \ J Psych Interdisciplinary and Applied 89(2) 259-260
s Steckline VS. Astrology for Physics Teachers. Physics Teacher 13 5 284-289
m Torrey EF. Schizophrenia and season of birth. Amer J Psychiatry 132(1) 87 Jan
m Tseng WS et al. Psychotherapy: historical roots, universal elements, and \ Amer J Psychiatry 132(4) 378-84 Apr
m White L. Medical astrologers and late medieval technology. Viator Medieval & Renaissance Studies 6 295-308
m Wright P. Astrology and science in seventeenth-century England. Soc Studies of Sci 5(4) 399-422 Nov
p Zweigenhaft RL. Modern transcendentalists and modern empiricists: A social psycholog \ Diss Abs Int Secpp 4156
m Angst J et al. [German] Sun signs and personality. Sozial- und Praventivmedizin 21(1) 39-41 Jan-Feb
p Durand G. The image of man in the occult tradition of Western culture. Spring (Annual) 81-103
s Galyean B. Human Teaching and Human Learning in the Language Class: A Confluent 71p
s Gray JN. The Liberalism of Karl Popper Government and Opposition 11 3 337-355
p Landwehr HS. The astrological case study of a juvenile delinquent: Towa \ Multidisciplinary Research 4(1) 1-63
p Laster A. On the psychology of astrology: The use of genethliacal astrology in psych \ Diss Abs Int Secpp 1408
p MacHarg SJ. The use of the natal chart in the identification of alcoholism and a co \ Diss Abs Int Sec pp 7213
d Mayer MH. A holistic perspective on meaning an \ PhD Calif: Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center 340pp
d Mutz WV. The Effect of Coatings on The Fatigue Life of Astrology at 1250 F \ MS Calif State U, Long Beach 60pp
m Rosner F. Letter: Moses Maimonides' opposition to astrology. J Amer Medical Assoc 236(4) 346 Jul 26
m Simili A. [Italian] Astrology and renaissance medecine. Minerva Medica 67 56 3719-37 Nov 17
p Snyder CR et al. Acceptance of general personality interpretations prior to a \ J Clinical Psych 32(2) 258-265
p Spiegelman JM. Psychology and the occult. Spring (Annual) 104-122
m Vaisrub S. Editorial: The misguiding star. J Amer Medical Assoc 235 17 1883-4 Apr 26
s Westrum R. Scientists as Experts: Observations on "Objections to Astrology". The Zetetic [now SI] 1 1 34-46
s Wuthnow R. Astrology and Marginality. J for the Scientific Study of Religion 15 2157-168
m Bartha L Jr. [Hungarian] Rheticus the physician. Orvosi Hetilap 118 10 581-2 Mar 6
m Clulee NH. Astrology, magic, and optics: facets of John Dee's early natur \ Renaissance Quarterly 30(4) 632-80
m Danneel R. [German] Birth date and suicide. Archiv fur Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten 224(1) 23-5 Sep 14
s Ellis L. The Decline and Fall of Sociology, 1975-2000. The Amer Sociologist 12 2 56-66
m Hare EH. Medical astrology and its relation to modern psychiatry. Proc Royal Soc of Medicine 70(2) 105-10 Feb
s Hodgkin L. Letter: A Note on 'Scientism'. Radical Sci J 5 8
p Hume N et al. Is there an association between astrological data and personali \ J Clinical Psych 33(3) 711-713
s Hyman R. "Cold Reading": How to Convince Strangers that You Know All About Them. Zetetic [now SI] 1 2 18-37
p Illingworth DJ et al. Birthdate and femininity. J Soc Psych 103(1) 153-154
d Kissel KM. Astrology as a holistic metaphor: An experiential workbook and c \ PhD Ohio: Union Inst and U 363pp
s McGervey JD. A Statistical Test of Sun-Sign Astrology. The Zetetic [now SI] 1 2 49-54
d Moffat CL. Astrology's use in analytical psychology. MA New Jersey: Kean U 106pp
s Moore M et al. Charles Chaplin: A Study in Contradictions. J University Film Assoc 29 1 15-24
s No author. Topical Guide to Source Readings in Textbooks and Supplementary Materials on Asia 35p [ ]
s Perinbanayagam RS. The Structure of Motives. Symbolic Interaction 1 1 104-120
s Rawlins D. What They Aren't Telling You: Suppressed Secrets of the Psychic World, Zetetic [now SI] 2 1 / 62-83
m Tambiah SJ. The cosmological and performative significance of a \ Culture Medicine & Psychiatry 1(1) 97-132 Apr
s Tibbetts P. Feyerabend's 'Against Method': The Case for Methodological Pluralism. Philos Soc Scis 7 3 265-275
p Tyson GA. Astrology or season of birth: A split-sphere t \ J Psych Interdisciplinary and Applied 95(2) 285-287
s Young A. Order, Analogy, and Efficacy in Ethiopian Medical Divin \ Culture Medicine and Psychiatry 1 2 183-199
s Abraham Mre et al. 1979 Aets Yearbook - Science Education/Society: a Guide to Interaction 346p
s Ahlstrom SE. National Trauma and Changing Religious Values. Daedalus 107 1 13-29
s Bastedo RW. An Empirical Test of Popular Astrology. Skeptical Inquirer 3 1 17-38
m Bazala V. [German] Astrol diagnosis and prognosis. Neue Munchner Beitrage zur Geschichte der Medi \ 7-8 177-84
p Bittner G. The Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius: Reflections on C.G.Jung \ Analytische Psych 9(1) 54-61
m Bradway K et al. The psychological type of the analyst and its relation t \ J Analytical Psych 23(3) 211-25 Jul
d Briere DH. The Structural and Thematic Uses of Astrology in Spanish Literature of the La \ PhD Indiana U 189pp
p Brink TL. Inconsistency of belief among Roman Catholic girls concernin \ Review of Religious Research 20 82-85
p Brink TL. Personality factors related to disbelief in psychic phenomena. Parapsych Review 9(4) 22-23
s Cary EP. Astrological Grouping is a Heavenly Concept. Teacher 95 5 67-9
m Cole M et al. A criticism of Forbes and Lebo's failure to validate \ Psychological Reports 42 3 PT 1 777-8 Jun
p Coles EM et al. Lunacy: The relation of lunar phases to mental il \ Canadian Psychiatric Assoc J 23(3) 149-152
m Cooke DJ et al. The concept of lunacy: a review. Psychological Reports 42 3 PT 1 891-7 Jun
m Cosman MP. Machaut's medical musical world. Annals NY Academy of Scis 314 1-36 Oct 20
m Cowan GO. William Schevez, physician-archbishop. Practitioner 220 1319 816-20
s Dickerman EH. Henry III's Devotions: A Study in Sex and Religion. J Psychohist 5 3 429-442
m Forbes GB. Failure to understand a failure: a reply to Cole and Bur \ Psychological Reports 42 3 Pt 2 1192 Jun
m Garth JM et al. The moon and suicide. Psychological Reports 43(2) 678 Oct
m Gomolka B. On the authorship of an astrologico-medical \ Biuletyn-Biblioteki Jagiellonskiej 28 1-2 28 1-2 1978
p Hampson SE et al. Accuracy in self-perception: The fallacy of p \ British J Soc & Clinical Psych 17(3) 231-235
s Kruglak H. Deprogramming Student Attitudes Toward Astrology. Physics Teacher 16 3 175-67
m Lemay HR. Arabic influence on medieval attitudes toward infancy. Clio Medica 13(1) 1-12 Jun
d Lipton JD. The Rational Evaluation of Astrology in The Period of Arabo-Lat \ PhD U of Calif, Los Angeles 257pp
p Mayes B et al. Birthdate psychology: A look at some new da \ J Psych Interdisciplinary and Applied 99(1) 27-30
p Mayo J et al. An empirical study of the relation between astrological factors and \ J Soc Psych 105(2) 229-236
p Pierce RA. The Correspondence Between Astrological Motifs and Jungian Archetypes. Diss Abs Int Secpp 3901
m Rautaharju PM. The impact of computers on electrocardiography. European J Cardiology 8(2) 237-48 Sep
m Schornbock D. [German] Statistical studies of astrology vs accidents. Hefte zur Unfallheilkunde 130 229-35
m Schweisheimer W. [German] Nostradamus was a good physician. Medizinische Welt 29 15 650-2 Apr 14
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d Polachek DE. Montaigne and the Concept of Imagination: a Synchr \ PhD U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 117pp
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